
  • 3 Ways Tooth Implants Can Improve Your Life

    The key to feeling your best may largely depend on your dental health. Of course, having a great smile can allow you to be more confident on a daily basis. However, if you suffer from tooth loss, you will want to do all you can to restore these teeth. One of the most effective ways to enable you to do so is to invest in dental implants. This process will allow for a titanium post to be planted in your jawbone that will hold your new dental restoration in place.
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  • How To Quickly Correct The Cosmetic Damage From Nail Biting

    If you're a habitual nail biter, there's a good chance that at least one of your teeth has suffered for it. Regular nail biting can chip and wear away at teeth, resulting in visible damage. In many instances, this damage isn't severe enough to require heavy dental repairs, but it's common to want to restore the former appearance of your teeth. If you want your teeth to look normal again, here are three possibilities for correcting the cosmetic damage nail biting has caused.
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  • 3 Keys For Getting Root Canal Therapy

    In order to take care of your dental health, you need to get procedures that will keep your teeth healthy and free of diseases. If you let your teeth begin to become encumbered with plaque and tartar, your teeth can become badly damaged and infected. When these issues start to happen, the best thing you can do is consult with a dental professional that can assist you. Root canal therapy is an absolute necessity if your teeth have reached this point of damage or decay.
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  • Geting Ready To Get Dental Veneers? Things You Need To Know In Order To Care For Them

    If you are finally ready to change up your smile for the better by having you dentist give you some dental veneers, you are going to want to make sure that you are well aware of how to care for the veneers. This is extremely important because most dental insurance companies will not pay for the cost of the veneers. This means you are paying cash out of pocket. If you do not properly care for them, you will find that they will not last as long as they should.
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  • 2 Reasons To Consider Invisible Braces Over Traditional Braces

    Invisible braces are a great option to consider if you need to straighten your teeth but are somewhat concerned about the effects that traditional braces will have on your appearance. Invisible braces are a product that straightens your teeth by allowing a dentist to provide you with a clear plastic mouthpiece that will provide small corrections to the positioning of your teeth. After wearing that mouthpiece for a few weeks, the dentist will have you come in and will create another mouthpiece for you that will make further minor adjustments to your teeth.
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  • Dental Implants: Signs Of Failure

    Any surgical procedure has the risk of failing, which is even true of dental implants. The key to catching problems earlier on during recovery is to be familiar with the warning signs that the implant is starting to fail. Keep these 4 things in mind, and consult your dentist if you recognize any of these signs that your dental implant is failing. 4 Signs of Failure Pain Your body uses pain as a sign that something is wrong.
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  • Dental Implants: Reasons Why They Can Fail

    There is always a risk of something going wrong when having a surgical procedure done. That said, the risk of failure is quite small when it comes to dental implants, with the failure rate being as low as 5% for implants placed in the lower jaw. Be aware of these potential reasons for dental implant failure. Bacteria Bacteria has the potential to get into the jawbone from the surgical procedure of placing the titanium post.
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  • The Three Truths Of A Root Canal

    It seems that root canals are the huge root of misconception, which is a problem since this means many people do not follow through with root canals when it is suggested by their dentist. Here are the three truths of a root canal you should know: Root Canals Are Not Painful While the idea of a root canal seems painful, you will receive anesthesia from your dentist, enough that is going to make you comfortable.
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  • 3 Reasons To Consider Clear, Removable Braces

    Having to wear braces to straighten your teeth is an issue that can come up at pretty much any point in your life, with many adults actually requiring braces. However, trying to decide which kind of braces are the best fit for you can often be a very difficult experience because there are several different types of braces that each have their own unique set of benefits. Listed below are three reasons to consider clear, removable braces in order to help you narrow down your options a bit.
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  • 3 Things That Increase Your Chances of Needing a Root Canal

    Root canals aren't the scary dental procedure that they used to be. Modern techniques, technology, and anesthesia have made the root canal procedure no more painful than a filling for most people. Still, it's best for your dental health to try to avoid needing a root canal if you can. Take a look at a few things that you might be doing that could put you at greater risk for needing a root canal, and find out how to reduce that risk.
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