2 Tips To Prevent A Dislodged Tooth From Developing A Bacterial Infection

Posted on: 2 August 2016

High impact sports and accidents can often result in serious injuries to your body. However, these accidents and activities can also result in minor damage, in the form of a dislodged tooth. A dislodged tooth can create a precarious situation because it may still be attached to the socket in your mouth. Therefore, this can leave your mouth open to developing a bacterial infection. This type of infection can be extremely dangerous because it has access to your dental root and pulp. If it is not caught early on, then you may have to undergo an intensive dental surgery like a root canal. Luckily, there are a few tips that you can use to prevent your dislodged tooth from developing a bacterial infection.

Avoid Using that Side of Your Mouth to Eat

While your tooth is dislodged it can be painful to speak or even move your mouth without experiencing any kind of pain. Eating can be an even bigger chore. In order to make it easier, avoid using the side of your mouth with the dislodged tooth to chew. Chewing using the other side of your mouth will also help to prevent food debris from contaminating your dislodged tooth. You will have more control of where the food goes as you chew. In addition, you should stick to eating soft foods during this time. This will help to prevent solid foods from ripping out your tooth. 

Use an Antibacterial Rinse Before Bed

While using one side of your mouth to chew will help to monitor the flow of food debris to the site of your dislodged tooth, it will not completely prevent contamination. Instead, you need to ensure that you practice excellent dental care until you make it to your dentist's office. In order to help with this, you should be using an antibacterial rinse before going to bed at night. An antibacterial rinse will kill off remaining bacteria in your mouth that is hidden in between your teeth or underneath your dislodged tooth. Using an antibacterial rinse during this time is especially important since you will not be able to use a toothbrush to clean the area thoroughly until your tooth is treated.

Once you experience a dislodged tooth it is important to see your emergency dentist as soon as possible. The longer you go without care the higher your chances of developing bacteria buildup. Therefore, use these tips to help protect your tooth for now.
