Getting Braces As An Adult? Don't Forget Your Retainer For Maximum Protection
Posted on: 4 September 2018
It isn't unusual for adults to get braces to manage dental problems that they didn't take care of when they were children. Unfortunately, these individuals may be opening themselves up to problems with increased plaque and bacteria. Thankfully, it is possible to manage this situation with proper dental care and by wearing a retainer to protect your teeth from plaque.
Plaque Can Affect Your Braces
Plaque is a problem that occurs when you don't take care of your teeth properly. It can spread quickly across your teeth and is often very difficult to eliminate without concentrated efforts. Plaque and its damaging effects are particularly common on people who wear braces. As an adult, you may not be prepared for the sudden change in oral health needs that comes when you start wearing these items.
In fact, when you start wearing braces as an adult, you might notice that your teeth suddenly look dirtier or need more persistent care. That's because the increase in plaque caused by your braces is tied directly to an increase in bacteria. Poorly-straightened teeth are often a haven for destructive bacteria. Even worse, that bacteria can hide behind and around your braces, making it harder to find.
Unfortunately, this problem can be difficult to manage while you have braces and even after. That said, it is possible to treat this problem if you know how to regularly clean your teeth and your braces. One of the best ways to do this after your braces are off is to wear a retainer.
Retainers Can Help Destroy Bacteria
When you wear retainers after having braces for an extended period, you are providing your teeth with the straightening power that they need to fight bacteria. That's because people with straighter teeth are more likely to chew their food thoroughly, which can help to defeat bacteria.
That's because chewing produces saliva, which helps to break away bacteria and other dangerous substances. Just as important, retainers often fit over your teeth during the night, which protects them from an invasion of bacteria when you are unable to clean them.
So if you are worried about how braces might be causing an increase in bacteria in your mouth, make sure you stick to your retainer to avoid this problem. Most people will have to wear a retainer at night, though some may wear it during the day when they are not eating. For more information, contact a company like Brian Smith Orthodontics.