Wisdom Teeth Removal – What to Expect
Posted on: 4 January 2024
If you're reading this, you might have discovered that your wisdom teeth are coming in and causing some discomfort, or you're scheduled for a wisdom teeth removal procedure. Either way, you're probably wondering what to expect during and after oral surgery. Wisdom teeth removal is a common procedure that millions of people face every year. Though it can be challenging, it is generally safe, and with enough knowledge and preparation, you can help ensure an easier procedure and recovery.
What Are Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to grow in a person's mouth. Some people’s wisdom teeth come out correctly, needing little attention or extraction. However, for many others, wisdom teeth can cause discomfort, infections, or even damage to surrounding teeth and gums.
Signs You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed
There are a few signs to look out for if you suspect that you may need your wisdom teeth extracted. These signs include pain, jaw stiffness, visible inflamed or red gums around your wisdom tooth, or persistent bad breath. If you experience any of these symptoms, make sure you schedule an appointment to discuss your concerns with your dentist or oral surgeon.
Procedure and What to Expect
Wisdom teeth removal is performed under local or general anesthesia. The type of anesthesia will depend on the complexity of the case and the patient's preference. Your surgeon may also prescribe antibiotics or painkillers to help with recovery. In the course of the procedure, the oral surgeon will create a cut in the gum to reach the wisdom tooth. The tooth can be removed either as a whole or divided into smaller pieces to facilitate extraction. Expect the procedure to last about an hour, with some swelling and bleeding afterward.
Recovery Time and Care
After the wisdom teeth removal procedure, the recovery process varies from person to person, but it can take a week or more to return to daily activities. After the procedure, you'll be given specific instructions on how to care for and recover appropriately. The general rule is to avoid hard, sticky, or hot foods for several days to allow the mouth to heal. Make sure to get plenty of rest, drink water, and follow up with your oral surgeon.
Benefits of Wisdom Teeth Removal
Wisdom teeth removal may seem daunting, but it has many benefits. Removing these teeth can prevent future problems such as infections and decay and can even help protect the alignment of your other teeth. In addition to this, you will no longer have to experience discomfort caused by impacted or infected wisdom teeth.
For more information, reach out to an oral surgeon near you.