Top 5 Oral Hygiene Tips For Smokers

Posted on: 4 August 2015
Smoking is a serious issue that causes numerous health issues, including dental problems. In order to preserve your smile, it's best to quit smoking. If quitting is difficult, there are still steps you can take to minimize the impact and risk on your teeth. Here are five dental care tips for smokers: 1. Visit your dentist more often. Dentists recommend twice yearly checkups for healthy adults. If you're a smoker, you should consider visiting your dentist three to four times per year.
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3 Dental Tips To Ensure You And Your Child Are Ready For The First Day Of School

Posted on: 20 July 2015
Did you know that children with poor oral health are much more likely to miss days of school, have poor school performance and experience more dental pain? In fact, according to this study, they are three times more likely to miss school due to oral health pain. Therefore, your child's oral health status is critical in ensuring that they have a good education. Here are three very important tips to consider:
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Tips To Help You Save Money On The Disposable Dental Supplies You Use At Your Clinic

Posted on: 25 June 2015
Disposable dental supplies are some of the most important tools used in a dental clinic, and they can quickly add up to consume a large portion of your budget.  If you're the owner or manager of a dental clinic, you are likely looking for ways to reduce the costs of disposable items such as cotton swabs, bite guards and the ultraviolet (UV) glasses that are used for X-ray purposes.  Use this information to learn more about how you can get disposable dental supplies without breaking the bank.
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Want White Teeth? 3 Reasons Why Your At-Home Treatments Might Not Be Working

Posted on: 10 June 2015
In the quest for a white, bright smile, people in the United States spend approximately $1.4 billion annually on over-the-counter whitening products. That number represents a whole lot of products, such as bleaching kits, whitening strips, whitening toothpastes, rinses and more. If you've spent your fair share of money on at-home whitening products and still have yellow teeth, you may wonder why these products aren't working for you. Following are three reasons why your at-home treatments might not be working.
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