What Can Cause Your Teeth To Become Misaligned

Posted on: 16 October 2019

Teenagers are not the only ones that can suffer from misaligned teeth. This problem can actually happen at several stages in your life due to things that you may feel are out of your control. Here are a few reasons why teeth can become misaligned over the years.


The problem with menopause is that it causes estrogen within a woman's body to gradually decline. A side effect is that bones will lose their density, start showing signs of being brittle, and can have deformities in some situations. This will impact the bones that are used to support all your teeth, eventually causing them to become misaligned.

A dentist can come up with a solution to deal with the effects of menopause. For instance, they may recommend options to straighten those misaligned teeth or even suggest you take preventative measures to prevent the bones from becoming brittle, like taking vitamin D and calcium supplements.

Another potential option is hormone replacement, which will help maintain strong bones in the body, which includes those in your mouth. Taking estrogen should help prevent those bones from breaking down as quickly, but it will not fix existing damage to your teeth.

Bone Diseases

It's possible that you are suffering from diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoporosis that can cause your teeth to become misaligned. While these two conditions are known to affect the knees, hips, hands, neck, and spine, they can affect your jawbone as well.

A dentist will diagnose the problem by taking x-rays of your jaw to see what is happening underneath your gums. They'll determine if there are abnormalities, and if so, refer you to an oral surgeon or orthodontist. In some situations, you may be directed to a doctor to treat your existing health issue.


There are medications that have a known effect on your oral health, especially medications that are designed to prevent seizures. They have a side effect called gingival hyperplasia, which causes your gum tissue to grow abnormally. The gums may start to grow between your teeth and shift them out of place.

Your dentist should be able to identify the signs of gingival hyperplasia and recommend a change in medications. This will involve working together with your doctor to find a medication that works for you and doesn't cause damage to your teeth in the process. A dentist can then help you take the necessary steps to realign your teeth back to how they once were.

For more information, visit your local dentist office
